The Butte College Career Counseling Center aims to increase career literacy for prospective and current students, equipping them with the knowledge, tools and support they need to make informed career decisions, create a plan and obtain appropriate employment.
The following services and programs are offered through Career Counseling: (1) One-on-one counseling to increase career planning knowledge and achieve career planning skill competence, including career assessment administration and interpretation; (2) Provide workshops and events to enhance career literacy (3) Deliver resources and tools to help students explore careers and establish a career goals (4) Provide dual enrollment courses to high school students
Vita Navis Career Assessment & Exploration Platform - SEA
Over 4,500 users as of Fall 19.
Cost savingings for students enrolled in FYE courses
Used in various on and off campus workshops, including all Reg2Go high schools
Strong Interest Inventory & Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Assessments for one-on-one career guidance
Career Counseling offers two career assessments, which help students to make informed decisions regarding their educational and career goals. If unfunded, we must then charge students $23 to cover the cost. For many college students, this fee is a roadblock to access. There is a staggering difference in the amount and the types of students who take advantage of this service when we charged students. Since we know that clear goals and a connection to the campus community contribute to retention efforts, it is imperative that these students have access to career assessments free of charge.
Our efforts need to focus on serving more students and reaching out to these students earlier. Career Counseling has only been providing services to approximately 500 students per year, and of those students served, most have already acquired 30 or more units. Our department is mostly working with the Career & Academic Assessment Center to combine and expand career-related services - to create a new career studio, improve services directed towards instructional departments, and increase outreach to area high schools and employers.
Not an instrcutional department.
We offer services to assist students in making timely and informed career decisions necessary for certificate and/or degree achievement and transfer. Ensuring students have clear pathways is a successful strategy for increasing retention and completion.
-Traget and increase contacts with undecided students to affect retention rates
- Increase CLP 101 dual enrollmnet offerings across area high schools
- Provide clearer pathways to employment by offering job shadows, informational interviews, field trips, and internships to increase job attainment closely related to field of study
Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
Implement Dual-Enrollment “Get Focused-Stay Focused” at the high school level with the goal of students learning about career and transfer pathways in preparation for entrance to a community college or four year institution.
Collaborate with middle school and high school students to provide students with the tools to make career decisions.
Continue to work with industry to determine student expectations after graduation from college.
Students who know their career and educational plans for success are more likely to remain in school and complete degree and/or transfer requirements.
Provide training to students, faculty and staff to update on career trends and resources.
Ensuring students on-line, at the Glenn Center, Chico Center and Skyway Center have access to career resources and career counseling.
Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Training
Update on-line resources for student, faculty and staff access.
Presentations through forums and classes.
Participation on governance and other campus/community committees.
Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
Reviewing student assessments to determine trends for careers.
Addition of an on-line platform for all student assessments in order for students to make better decisions about their career choices.
Implementation of “Get Focused-Stay Focused” at the high school level.
Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
Implementation of on-line platform for all students to participate in student assessments at the time of assessments prior to orientation and class registration.
Implementation of “Get Focused-Stay Focused” at the high school level to prepare students for career and educational decisions prior to college.
Modeling Sustainability
Educating students, faculty and staff about career readiness/preparation for “Green Careers.”
Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Access to career resources (including career counseling appointments) at the high schools, Main Campus, Glenn Center, Chico Center and Skyway Center. On-line appointments are also available.
Informing our diverse community about guided pathways to ensure success.
2017 Program Review Recommendations received on 1/29/18.
The Validation Team respectfully submits this recommendation related to staffing issues as the most critical to Career Counseling’s ability to continue serving students in alignment with the District’s mission and values:
The Validation Team respectfully submits these recommendations to assist Career Counseling in their efforts to seek continuous improvement in delivering services to students:
Implementations & Actions Still to be Addressed Although funding has not materialized for additional career counselor positions, Career Counseling is working with the Career & Academic Assessment Center to hire 2 classified positions committed to serving current and prospective students in a various career exploration/planning related services. Online career tools have been enhanced. Career Counseling is a part of a workgroup within the Guided Pathways Steering Committee to update all online materials, resources and tools to enhance the onboarding process for students. Communications with Job Placement has increased and roles have been defined. We are working on a referral system, and are investigating on how to partner on certain projects. CLP 101 dual enrollment numbers declined after the Camp Fire, losing 9 sections in Paradise High. Growth of this program has been stagnant due to limited time. Career Counseling and the Career and Academic Assessment Center plan to establish an advisory committee by the end of Spring 2020.
Career Counseling has identified the following program goals for 2020-2021:
Strategy 1 - Target prospective, matriculating and new students
Interest assessment and career exploration platform accessible to all students, particularly targeting prospective (i.e. high schools) and matriculating students (administer in assessment lab)
Increase high school campus visits – workshops and orientations for parents
Collaborate with Department Chairs to develop and deliver 1-unit exploratory meta major courses offered to students in their first term
Students are limited to 6 years of Pell Grant
Financial Aid will soon only cover courses within elected major
Students who enter a program of study within their first year were twice as likely to complete/transfer compared to students who entered a study after their first year
33% of low-income, first generation students are undecided about their major during their first year
Strategy 2 - High School Partnerships
Career and Life Planning courses (CLP 101) offered to high school students; a dual enrollment Get Focused…Stay Focused program
Students how have earned 6 or more college units by the time they graduate high school are twice as likely to complete/transfer than students entering with no units
Aligns with Guided Pathways initiative
College and career readiness
Informed, declared major and career path prior to first term
Demystifies the college-going process, especially for future firs generation college students
Strategy 3 - Guided Pathways
Contribute to the Guided Pathways Steering Committee by developing meta majors, linking degrees with careers and labor market information, as well as bridging Career Counseling website with Guided Pathways website
Create videos about areas of study (meta majors) for Guided Pathways website
Participate in at least one Guided Pathways Institute
Aligns Strategic Direction and Student Equity Plan
Strategy 4 - Online Tools & Resources - Career Counseling Website
Update online Career Counseling resources
Increase awareness of Career Counseling
Continue to upgrade technology (e.g., delivery of assessment [interpretation] results online)
Increase availability of appointments for students needing career focus
Expand awareness of career readiness and labor market information for career life planning, life management and self-awareness
Assist students with setting a career goal and choosing a major while attending Butte College
Assist students with resources and tools to make better informed and timely decisions
Strategy 5 - Career Studio
Establish a Career Studio - an open lab environment where students can drop in to explore pathways and design a career plan
Career development practices still lacking on campus
Career Counseling:
Career Assessment Platform (SEA) $25,000
SII and MBTI Career Assessments (SEA) $8,218
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Career Counseling | Operating Expenses | 110007051634002 | 55890 | $0.00 | $25,000.00 |
Vita Navis - Maintain License to Use Web-Based Career Exploration and Development Platform | Continued access to this career assessment platform as part of the matriculation process will: - Enhance early career literacy development and produce informed and timely choices - acquiring a comprehensive student educational plan sooner; - Expand Career Counseling services - the current student to Career Counselor ratio is about 10,000 to 1; - Increase connection to career services - building a stronger bridge between newly enrolled students and in-person career counseling. *Currently using Vita Navis |
2 | Career Counseling | Operating Expenses | 110007051634002 | 4500 | $0.00 | $8,218.00 |
Career Assessments for One-On-One Sessions | Student development theories suggest that students complete degrees at higher rates when they have clear goals. With student appointments averaging over an hour, Career Counselors are able to spend more time with students than our colleagues. This personal connection to the college is known to increase a sense of belonging, and student retention. Career Counseling offers two career assessments, which help students to make informed decisions regarding their educational and career goals. Students must visit a Career Counselor to receive their results, which provides us another opportunity to interact one on one with students. During 2016 we were able to offer the assessments free of charge. Beginning Fall 2018, we no longer have funds to do so. We must now soon charge students $23 to cover the cost. For many college students, this fee is a roadblock to access. There is a staggering difference in assessment administration when we charge students. Please see attachment. For the calendar year 2015, Career Counseling charged for assessments and administered 70 assessments. During calendar year 2016, assessments were free, and Career Counseling administered 184 assessments. The Student Equity Dashboard (2015) reveals that dashboard students at Butte College have low program completion and transfer rates, as well as low remedial course completion rates. Since we know that clear goals and a connection to the campus community contribute to retention efforts, it is imperative that these students have access to career assessments free of charge. Career Counseling seeks funding to purchase 650 electronic versions of our assessments to ensure equitable access to our services. |
3 | Career Counseling | Facilities | $16,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Develpment of Career Studio | Need to create space for more students to access career planning tools, resources and services. Convert basic skills assessment lab into a studio. This will include new furniture, room configuration, and A/V |
4 | Career Counseling | Personnel | 110007051634002 | 51460 | $0.00 | $55,648.00 |
Part-Time Career Counselor | Part-Time Career Counselor needed to: - Provide additional career counseling for students; - Increase online services as well as the Chico Center, Skyway Center, Glenn Center and Community Employment Centers; - Develop curriculum; - Allow for expansion of services, including Dual Enrollment, Guided Pathways, online Career Exploration Platform, and Electroic Professional Portfolio; - Increased classroom presentations; - Opportunity to collaborate with more programs and services, on and off campus; - Certification to do additional interpretations with students. -Work with Strong Workforce Program stakeholders to implement Work Based Learning program |
5 | Career Counseling | Operating Expenses | $18,000.00 | $45,000.00 | ||
Portfolium - Platform to guide students through career planning modules with badging system | Portfolium will move the program matrics, with the ability to measure outcomes through comparing groups of students who utilized the platform versus students who did not. We would also be able to obtain quite a bit of qualitative data via surveying users. The 1st year would entail piloting with two CTE departments, one to two CTE focused clubs (i.e. Ag Ambassadors), sessions during Summer Bridge, Roots, and Roadrunner Rush, and visiting high schools within low-income areas to target economically disadvantaged students. This game plan is doable considering that I am now a part of the Career & Academic Assessment Center (previously known as the Assessment Center), which is staffed by 4 additional employees eager to prepare students for employment/transfer. Portfolium aims to increase engagement, retention, and credit attainment by guiding students to archive curricular and extra-curricular accomplishments that are connected to career-relevant competencies and 21st Century Skills. The Pathways and badging system can be embedded into a non-credit CTE/workforce preparation course. I am considering offering CLP 300 through our soon-to-be Career Studio; an open entry/exit course where Portfolium would be one of the focal points to help students set goals, plan, take action, and document their successes. Whether or not this course will be offered, the CTE Pathway within Portfolium will still exist with the main objective to help students obtain employment/paid internship/apprenticeship before or after degree attainment. The Transfer Pathway within Portfolium will have modules on admission requirements, internships, community service, scholarships, etc. , and of course, there will be a pathway/modules to strengthen workforce readiness such as building soft skills, resume writing, interviewing, and networking. Lastly, Portfolium aims to ensure that optimal median annual earnings are met upon exit through building career and financial literacy (exploring careers with labor market data, the true cost of living, identifying desired lifestyle, etc). |
6 | Career Counseling | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $45,000.00 | ||
Textbooks for High School Students - Curriculum for students enrolled in CLP 101/Get Focused...Stay Focused (Dual Enrollment) | Although many high schools are interested in providing a dual enrollment option for Get Focused...Stay Focused courses, there is often financial limitations to purchase needed textbooks. |
7 | Career Counseling | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $5,000.00 | ||
Me3 Platform for Guided Pathways Home Page | Platform will be embedded within college's Guided Pathways pages to help direct students to their top communities of interest |