The Education, Child and Family Studies (ECFS) programs focus on the in-depth foundational knowledge, skills, and dispositions that prepare students with workforce competencies for various careers within the profession. The programs offer students the opportunity to complete general education requirements, coursework for education transfer to a four-year university in education.
Elementary Teacher Education (ETD) program focus is on a set of transferable skills for students pursuing a teacher credential as well as an entry level position as an paraprofessional.
In Spring 2017, the ECFS department was funded with Strong Workforce funds to create a paraprofessional certificate.
Indicator |
Source |
College |
Program |
2014-2015 |
Standard |
Six Year Goal |
Fall 2011 |
Fall 2012 |
Fall 2013 |
Fall 2014 |
Fall 2015 |
Standard |
Six Year Goal |
Access |
- Unduplicated Headcount |
12,691 |
236 |
191 |
104 |
113 |
102 |
Course Success |
- Overall |
70.6% |
70.0% |
73.0% |
74.0% |
66.5% |
63.2% |
62.2% |
62.1% |
60.0% |
75.0% |
- Transfer/GE |
71.7% |
73.0% |
- CTE |
75.3% |
77.0% |
- Basic Skills |
51.7% |
55.0% |
- Distance Ed (all) |
62.6% |
64.0% |
Persistence (Focused). Note: The Persistence (Focused) that is included in the PDR is a different indicator than the three-primary term persistence indicator, from the State Student Success Scorecard that is used to measure institutional persistence. The Focused Persistence indicator measures the percentage of students that took a second course in a discipline within one year. There is no relationship between the college and program standards in this area. |
71.8% |
67.0% |
75.0% |
11.9% |
11.9% |
4.0% |
4.2% |
6.9% |
N/A |
N/A |
(Three-Term) Scorecard |
(Three-Term) Scorecard |
(Three-Term) Scorecard |
Degrees - annual |
1,421 |
1,475 |
Certificate of Achievement (CA) - annual |
814 |
475 |
Local Certificate (CC) - annual |
518 |
Developmental Strand Completion |
- English |
State |
43.7% |
45.0% |
- Math |
State |
33.8% |
35.0% |
- ESL |
State |
42.9% |
45.0% |
Licensure Pass Rates |
- Registered Nursing |
SC |
- Licensed Vocational Nursing |
SC |
- Respiratory Therapy |
SC |
- Paramedic |
SC |
- Cosmetology |
SC |
- Welding |
SC |
Job Placement Rates |
We continue to invite students to the Future Educator Advising Party. Yet, it to be noted that this event has an Early Childhood Education focus. In the spring 2017, the department will add a workshop for Liberal Studies students to learn more about the Teacher Preparation Integration Program with Chico State.
The AA-T Elementary Teacher Education degree is new an AA/T for the college. We've not had a program review nor any data set to truly mesaure the achievement standards.
The department continues to implement a variety a strategies to support students to meet the college’s achievement standards and goals set by the college hence the department. In this upcoming year the goals for the Education division of the Education, Child and Family Studies Department will be as follows:
1. Seek to advise students whose major is liberal studies yet are seeking a career in Elementary Teacher Education to consider the AA/T in Elementary Teacher Education.
2. Completion of the paraprofessional certificates and work on retooling recruitment materials.
3. Continue to work with CSU, Chico and Chico Unified in the implementation of their two grants (Teacher Preparation and Classified Credential Program).
Strategy 1 - Faculty Hire
Everyone is talking about the teacher shortage including school districts and colleges that educate future teachers. In Mary Ellen Flannery article “Number of Future Teachers Reaches All-time Low” informs us that the number of educational majors has reached its lowest point in 45 years. She goes on to say that that colleges who prepare future educator need to revamp their career pathway to a 4 year teacher preparation program. Butte College can address the need to recruit and educate future educators by investing in the hiring of F/T Instructor for the Elementary Teacher Education Transfer degree. Not only will this instructor provide leadership for this degree this instructor would most likely meet the minimum requirements to teach courses Early Childhood Education/Child Development and Occupational and Life Skills Certificate Progrom (OLS 324/325).
Over the past month several local and state newspapers are informing the public about the shortage of school teachers. In a report by the California Commission on Teaching Credential recently noted, in 2013 there were fewer than 20,000 students enrolled in teacher preparation programs, less than half the number in 2008.
The reality of teacher shortages in Butte and Glenn counties hits home when one scrolls through job postings on, the state’s online repository of available education positions. A total of 118 current job openings including elementary school teachers, substitute teachers, preschool teachers, child care teachers, special education and paraeducators.
Recruiting our next generation of great teachers can only be done by acknowledging this critical need and working together.
Strategy 2 - STEM Technology
In 2016, a Strong Workforce Technology grant was awarded to the Education, Child and Family Studies department. This grant will allow the ECFS Department to purchase a Smart Board. To support the work of STEM the department will need to take it one step further. The purchasing of thirty Chromebooks so the future teachers have the knowledge and skills to integrate technology into their teaching. I’ve heard current Elementarty School Teachers make statements such as “I can’t imagine teaching without a Chromebook.”
Chromebooks and/ tablet type laptops are used in the TK-12 grades to make lesson a more hands-on learning experience. Having a stand along Smart Board is a great beginning but combining the Smart Board with Chromebooks allow for lessons and lectures to be more collaborative, and the ability to create quick and effective formative assessment of SLO’s to see how well students understand content.
It is clear that our local schools have embraced the use of smart technology into TK-12 classroom instruction. Therefore, Butte College should take a leadership role by ensuring future educators have the knowledgeable and skills of smart technology.
Strategy 3 - Increase chair reassign time to 40%
Revisit the chair position of the ECFS Department Chair due to the additional duties including the management of multiple grants, additional advisory committee meetings across two different majors, addition of student advising, operation of larger-scale events, an increase in the number of faculty, meetings with school districts and Chico State and other industry partners, and the additional unit plan. Not to mention the additional certificates and degree within the department.
In 2015 the Child and Consumer Studies Department embraced the addition of the AA/T Elementary Teacher Education Transfer degree. The chair at this time (Carrie Roberson) requested an increase of the chair reassign time from 30% to 40%. In 2016, a new chair was selected under the Child and Consumer Studies Department name. In 2016, the department name was changed to Education, Child and Family Studies without a formal re-calculation of the position. Using the department Chair Compensation Input form (to calculate a chair’s release time) it was noted that in 2015 the total score was 15. In 2016, the total score has risen to 28.5.
Leadership and support from the curriculum committee staff during the creation of the paraprofessional certificate.
No additional classroom space
No additional computer lab time becuase the Chromobooks will create a lab in the classroom
If a charging station for Chromebooks is in the surplus space we will take it.
In 2016-17 we developed a partnership with CSU, Chico and CUSD on two grants and both were awarded. One grant is with CSU,Chico (Teacher Preparation Grant) and the second grant was with Chico Unified (Classified Teacher Preparation).
In 2016-17 we applied for and received funds to create a paraprofessional certificate for a total of $15,947. This new certificate will be CTE certificate and possible a AA degree.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Personnel | $0.00 | $5,100.00 | |||
Program leadership | With the needs of future teachers in California the window of opportunity to grow this program starts today. Therefore, it vital that college recalculates the reassign time of the chair from 30% to 40%. With such leadership this program will increase FTE’s for the college through recruitment and outreach efforts with K-12 partnerships, creating career and transfer pathways clear and easy to navigate, using advisory committees to ensure that programs provide the skills needed in the workforce and oversight of data to make program decisions. |
2 | Education | Equipment | $6,500.00 | $350.00 | ||
STEM Technology | “When used intentionally and appropriately, technology and interactive media are effective tools to support the learning environment. The fundamental premise of the position statement is that technology and interactive media are tools for teachers and administrators to use in early childhood programs. The effectiveness of technology and interactive media, as with other tools, depends on their being used in the right ways, under the right circumstances, by those skilled in their use.” [National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Fred Rodgers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media 2012] This need of technology integration is essential for both early childhood programs and public school institutions and therefore students need opportunities to integrate technology which parallels both the public school sector and early childhood programs. With all students being placed off-campus for the lab experience we’ve placed a undue hardship on faculty traveling to visit students. At this time the college has no universal agreement to pay faculty for their mileage. *20 Chromebooks with a charging cart $3,500 * Professional development training with chromebooks for faculty $1,000 *Mileage for off-campus travel $600 |
3 | Personnel | $0.00 | $109,877.00 | |||
Faculty Hire | Everyone is talking about the teacher shortage including school districts and colleges that educate future teachers. In Mary Ellen Flannery article “Number of Future Teachers Reaches All-time Low” informs us that the number of educational majors has reached its lowest point in 45 years. She goes on to say that that colleges who prepare future educator need to revamp their career pathway to a 4 year teacher preparation program. Butte College can address the need to recruit and educate future educators by investing in the hiring of F/T Instructor for the Elementary Teacher Education Transfer degree. Not only will this instructor provide leadership for this degree this instructor would most likely meet the minimum requirements to teach courses Early Childhood Education/Child Development and Occupational and Life Skills Certificate Progrom (OLS 324/325). |